Sunday, March 10, 2013

How the hell do we find blance?

How many times have we heard or said "i am just trying to find balance in my life" or some sort of reference to balance?  Balance the checkbook, balance your time, balance your weight,  balance, balance, balance, the balance buzz word has made me crazy. STOP THE MADNESS!

Balance: (noun) an even distribution of to stay upright and steady.

The reality is that balance doesn't really exist; weight fluctuates, finances change, time schedules tighten when life throws us a curve ball so how can we find balance when the weight of life gets uneven? (no pun intended) It goes out the damn window!

So then what? Maybe procrastination sets in? Exercise routine slows down? Don't eat well? No time to do the things we value? We find alternative ways to make us feel better that may not be productive?  All of sudden resentment sets in, resentment to those around us that should be helping us!  Damn those ungrateful kids, partner, employees who if were doing what i asked then i wouldn't be so stressed and over worked!

Manage: (noun) a person responsible for controlling or administering all or part of an organization.

Managing seems simple right? Yeah right!  People can't be managed, but systems can.  When a systems is created, created so everyone understands the why and how, there becomes an understanding. An understanding, can give  opportunity  for solution. Isn't that what we are looking for is a solution?

System: A set of rules the govern structure and/or behavior

While systems can't prevent an unpredictable future, it can keep some things in check while others fall apart.  Hey, i say... it's easier to fix one thing instead of ten, but if ten things need fixing you'll find a solution and hopefully organize a system for next time!

Give yourself permission to fall short. It's freeing.

Go forth and conquer~